Reputation Management, How it improves your companies brand


The company that does things well and that explains well what it does has gone a long way in the face of maintaining high prestige, for which, according to the author, it is essential to develop an ethical attitude.Corporate reputation is fashionable. Only a few years ago, some visionary scholars began to develop the concept. A little later, the insurance brokers decide to include the loss of reputation in the lists of risks that can affect the corporations. And today, the term itself has jumped, as if by magic, to the first line of fire in the business management of our time.

Until now, concepts such as image, communication, institutional relations or brand, constituted the most elementary approach to the external projection of companies. And today, however, whatis spoken of is “reputation” and social responsibility, corporate ethics, good governance and the like. The purpose of this article is to try to clarify what we mean when we talk about each other and provide the reader with some basic lines to build a corporation’s reputation today.

Reputation Management is a vital part of any brand strategy that operates both on and off the line. We could say that in a certain way online reputation is what others think of you on the Internet while your identity is your true image or the one you are trying to project. The ideal situation would, therefore, be one that manages to match as much as possible the online reputation to your true identity as a brand.

Why is the management of your brand reputation on the internet so important?

It is crucial to the success of your project as more than 80% of consumers say that reviews and opinions of other consumers modify their perception of brands. In summary, 8 out of 10 users change their decision to purchase a product or hire a service when they read negative reviews on the internet. The management of your reputation is an arduous task that you must entrust to qualified professionals if you do not want to find a bigger problem in a matter of months.

This is considerably more important in the case of searches of specific brands. Essentially, the goal will be to ensure that there are only positive results on the first page of Google since users do not usually proceed beyond that page in their research on a brand, a product or a service.Your goal is that any unwanted results appear in the results beyond the second page of the search engine results and with Repair Bad Reputation you can achieve those results.

Your reputation in social networks and other digital media

The results of the search are not the only thing to be taken into account. Being proactive online is a great way to avoid any negative impact or mention and it is extremely important for the protection of your reputation to have an active presence. The importance of Reputation Management goes beyond the direct searches made in the search engines. In the process of adapting your own campaign, you must pay close attention to your presence on social media.