How to find a business name for your website?


Finding a good domain name for a company is not always an easy task, but we are going to give you the best advice so that you can get it. And it is that sometimes the name that we would like to register is not available and other times because perhaps the word that we want to register is not the most convenient for our business or personal project.

From Squadhelp, we want to offer you some tips so that you can choose the best domain name for your website (company), and we remind you that at any time you can check its availability from the search engine in our domain registration section.

That your company currently has a presence on the Internet with its own website is essential, so it should be your highest priority, but you should not go crazy and register any domain that comes to mind.

Today it is not as common as it was a few years ago, but in the past there were companies on the Internet that had an endless domain name for their company; just to pronounce it in an interrupted way we could get lost along the way in the attempt, however, it seems that little by little the entrepreneurs are becoming more aware and registering domains more in line with the projection of their business, and as short as possible so that stay with your customers.

How to choose the best domain name for my company?

We will divide the tips into three large groups such as the following: domain keywords, domain length, and domain that is easy to pronounce and easy to remember. If we want to position our website among the best results of the different search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, it is very interesting to take care of the words that our domain name may contain, that is, the keywords for which we want visitors to find us. When conducting your searches for brand names for sale.

Should we always include the keywords in the domain name that we are going to register? This will depend on the meaning that we are going to give to our page.

Brand: We can bet on using not a keyword but a specific brand without entering any keyword for search engines. For example:,,

Keyword: We can also avoid using our commercial name and only use keywords to compose the name of our domain. For example:,,

Brand and keyword: Another option is to integrate our brand and a keyword that can define our business in the same domain. For example:,

Is it necessary that our domain be long, descriptive and that it contain all the keywords that we need?

It is clear that on the one hand, the more words our domain contains, the better you can describe the theme of the website that we have hosted. But, be careful, because this could be counterproductive since a name that is too long is much more difficult to remember and also visitors will be able to confuse its writing and reproduction more easily when searching or typing it directly. The recommendation is that our domain never exceeds 15 letters, beyond that it would not be recommended due to the advice we have given. Although certainly, there are always exceptions that can make the ideal name longer.

Domain easy to pronounce and easy to remember

There is no need to explain why we want our domain name to be easy to remember, and it should also be important to us that it is easy to pronounce. Keep in mind that we are going to say the name of our website on many occasions and to many people, the easier it is to understand it, the better both for us and for our interlocutor. We will therefore try to avoid the use of some “complicated” spelling or pronunciation letters. For example

We can register domains with special characters, or what are called IDN domains, although it would be convenient to also register your alternative domain without the special character that will be easier to pronounce. For example and there are many people who prefer it to separate words, but the use of hyphens can create some doubts and errors, so it is not entirely recommended. For example

Finally, it is recommended to avoid domains that have two letters repeated consecutively, when spelling it or simply transcribing it can be confusing. For example we hope that thanks to our advice you can find the ideal domain for your business or business web project.

We have no doubts that you are going to get a lot out of all the domains you register, since after all they should include in the name of your company or business. In addition, you will prevent other people from registering them in the future to compete with you.