Promotional Compendiums: 5 Things You Need To Know


Promotional products have successfully been used by business organizations for years. One of the best ways to show that the company is doing well is giving compendiums portfolios to the customers or the participants in a conference.

Compendiums come in different shapes and sizes, and also in the forms of notebooks, tablet cases, and a range of leather compendiums. These are designed to take notes or for scheduling to suit all types of businesses.

Compendiums are used as good effective marketing accessories because they are generally very useful for anybody’s day to day work. With a company’s logo on them, they become a powerful promotional medium to spread the brand’s name.


  • Affordable

Compendiums portfolios are practical and affordable, and using them is an efficient way for any company to spread their image across various audiences that they would like to target. Not only are compendiums practical but they are also commonly sought after because they are memorable and extremely useful.

Businesses that would like to portray an image of success and create a good reputation which will attract potential customers will use leather compendium portfolios to show off their company logos.

  • Accepted by all genders and ages

A compendium is a promotional item universally accepted by any gender or age. They are useful for carrying important documents and company executives find them to be the best way to keep their documents well organized.

  • Great for keeping organized

Not only do they keep the documents in order but they have other functions to help the busy executive keep their lives orderly with having slots for business card holders, calculators, mobile phone holders and ever pen holders. If companies wish, they can supply pens with their company logos as well for spreading their messages further.

Another great thing about using compendiums is that they can be customized to fit the company budget and more importantly the companies can advertise their image keeping branding in mind.

  • Different types and versatile

There is also no need to order only one type of compendiums portfolios since the company can order various types of compendiums to target specific groups of people, from the sales team who would probably find a smaller A5 type portfolio more useful to the executive leather portfolio specifically designed for keeping important documents and added accessories to help stay organized.

Leather compendium portfolios last for years to come and thus there is no reason why they should be given to the same customer on a yearly basis. They also age well and it is often felt that portfolios look better as they age.

  • A Promotional Material

As promotional materials, compendiums are very practical and so any company can target an audience, especially if it is for new products being launched. Compendium portfolios don’t need to be the high-end leather type but more affordable and mid-range. The promotional material can be placed inside the portfolio to show an image of success at a very affordable price.

Portfolios are very seldom discarded and even if the person that it has been given to does not like using compendium portfolios, they will probably pass it onto someone who does. No matter who uses it, the important thing is that your company logo will be advertised to the prospective customers.

To conclude, compendium portfolios have been seen as a gift of sincere appreciation to the customers of a business and when used at promotional events, they help in portraying an image of success and wealth. Therefore, they have always been regarded as one of the best ways to brand a company at affordable rates. Visit