Innovative Communications Solutions for Small Businesses

SMS package for the business

The Short Message Service – or SMS as we have come to know it, is a vital component for every business, and there are online providers of an SMS network that can cost effectively deliver messages to your employees and clients. In the year 2010, more than 6 trillion (Yes, Trillion) SMS messages were sent, making it the most popular messaging system that works across a range of digital platforms.

Global Connectivity

SMS messages can be sent to almost any country, and with the right marketing partner, SMS can be a very productive way to get your message across. If you would like to know more about an SMS package for the business owner, there are online companies who can provide this service, and you can even have a free trial, to test the system for yourself. You might want to inform your customers of a special promotion, or change the time and date of that sales meeting, and with the right provider, your information will be instantly sent to the relevant parties.

Easy to Use

All you need to take advantage of this service is a device that has a web browser and an Internet connection, and once you are hooked up, sending messages to people around the world can be carried out at the swipe of a screen. There is no need for bulky hardware or software, and with the average message being delivered in less than 5 seconds, speed is not an issue.

Easy to Use Interface

Once you have logged in, your account will show how many credits you have, and with a few clicks, you can send your SMS messages when you want. If, for example, your business is based in Malaysia, the ideal provider would cover the entire Asia Pacific region, which would include:

  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Cambodia
  • Hong Kong
  • Laos
  • Vietnam
  • Australia

Prepaid Packages

The best way to use this SMS service is to have prepaid blocks, and that works out at the lowest possible cost for each message. Credits never expire, so you don’t have to feel pressured at any time, and as you near the end of your credits, simply top up with a secure online payment, and you are good to go.

Interactive SMS

This is a great way to get feedback from your customers, and sending polls or surveys is the best way to find out how they feel about specific products or services. You can even run small contests among your customers, which is a great way to regenerate interest, and loyalty bonuses can be factored into an SMS campaign, which is likely to bring in new orders. You can easily import contacts from any other network, and with a range of SMS templates to choose from, you can tailor the design of the message to suit the occasion.

If your business is based in Malaysia and you would like to experience regional connectivity, all it takes is a Google search and you can talk to the experts and even have a free trial.